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Preventing Concrete Honeycomb

Preventing Concrete Honeycomb: Top Causes and Solutions

Honeycomb is a term commonly used in the construction industry and it also applies to concrete as well. In this industry, honeycomb refers to the cavities that can develop inside the concrete. Let us take a moment to review and enhance your understanding of this term.

Concrete honeycomb is a term used to describe gaps or voids that occur within a concrete structure. The Honeycomb phenomenon appears to happen when the concrete mixture fails to fill up all the spaces within the formwork. This leaves behind pockets of air or gaps in the hardened concrete.

Thus, resulting in unstable and weakened structures that can cause safety hazards or may even lead to structural failures. It is very crucial to prevent concrete honeycomb to ensure the durability and safety of concrete structures. 

In this blog, we will discuss the causes of concrete honeycomb, and offer some practical solutions to prevent it. You don’t need to be a construction professional to understand our tips! So get ready to unfold the journey of learning concrete-related concepts.

Causes of Honeycomb in Concrete

The presence of air pockets on the surface or within the body of the hardened concrete is termed honeycombing in concrete. It basically is a result of poor workmanship during the casting or placement of the ready-mix concrete. Concrete Honeycomb can result in a reduction of strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal of a structure. Several factors can cause honeycomb, including the following:

Poor Formwork

To hold the onsite concrete in place, proper formwork is necessary. Well-constructed and maintained formwork is crucial to prevent gaps or voids in the final concrete product.

Improper Consolidation

In order to remove any air pockets present and fully fill the formwork, concrete must be properly compacted. The main cause of the formation of honeycombs and poor consolidation is inadequate vibration, poor placement techniques, or insufficient concrete mix consistency.

Inadequate Mix Design

Different applications require a unique mix design of concrete. The amount of water in the mix may be inadequate or the fine aggregate may not be enough. All these reasons may lead to the formation of honeycombs.

Improper Curing

Another main cause of the formation of honeycomb is the curing of the concrete. If it’s not carried out in a proper manner it may develop cracks or shrinkage as well.

Improper Finishing

The final finishing touch of the concrete surface is a very crucial stage. If it is not carried out in a proper way, it may leave voids or air pockets in the final outcome.

It is a widely accepted fact that prevention is better than cure. This means it is more advisable to prevent honeycomb in concrete than to fix the harm it has already caused. For starters, the cement quality to be used in construction must be top-notch.

Adverse Effects of Honeycomb on Concrete

The pouring and placing of the concrete mix is a major concern while constructing. If proper attention is not given or the workforce is not skilled, honeycombs may appear in the final results. These may cause several adverse effects on the strength and durability of the concrete structure.

Reduced Strength

The concrete structure weakens with the presence of voids or gaps. Hence, the overall strength is reduced further making it more susceptible to failure or ultimately collapsing of the structure.

Increased Permeability

Honeycombing by creating a network of interconnected voids, makes concrete more permeable which leads to reduced durability. This permeability allows water, moisture, and other harmful substances to penetrate the concrete more easily.

Corrosion of Reinforcement

The corrosion of reinforcement steel bars can occur due to the existence of air gaps in the concrete. This can weaken the overall structure and may eventually lead to structural failure.


Honeycombs make the surfaces appear rough and uneven which is undoubtedly undesirable in many applications.

How to Prevent Honeycomb in Concrete?

To prevent honeycombing in concrete the following steps can be considered:-

Proper Concrete Mix Design

One must ensure that for a particular application, the concrete mix design is correct for the intended use. Always try to achieve a uniform mixture by using the correct proportion of cement, aggregates, water, and other additives.

Proper Placement and Compaction

It’s always advisable to use adequate vibration to make sure that the concrete is fully compacted and there are no chances of voids. To acquire good results, always follow a step-by-step guide to finishing concrete like a pro. Proper compaction plays a vital role in eliminating honeycomb in concrete.

Formwork Design and Construction

To achieve the desired shape of the concrete structure usage of proper formwork design and construction is encouraged. Always make sure that the framework is tight and fortified with no gaps that could allow concrete to leak out.

Proper Concrete Pouring

Concrete pouring should always be in layers by using a vibrating screed to level the surface. Take proper care in ensuring that the concrete is fully compacted and free of voids.

Proper Curing

Proper curing is considered very essential in preventing honeycomb in concrete. During the curing period keeping the concrete moist and at the proper temperature is recommended. This helps in making sure that the concrete gains sufficient strength and is fully hydrated.

Honeycomb Concrete Solutions

To address honeycomb in concrete, begin by brushing loose fine aggregates with a wire brush. You can further use a chipping hammer to remove loose coarse aggregates. Simply use water to wash away any remaining dust once the area is clear.

Let the area dry completely before applying chemo-fix glue so that it can adhere best to the surface completely. Add an appropriate amount of water to a mixture of white cement with concrete grout as indicated by the manufacturer. 

Apply the mixture to the affected honeycomb area. For larger honeycomb areas, create a pocket with a chipping hammer and pour the mixture. This can be done by applying pressure with a piece of wood or formwork material. Remove the formwork material and allow for proper curing of the concrete in the area after 12-16 hours.

The Final Wrap Up

We can sum up by saying that concrete honeycomb is crucial in ensuring the durability and strength of concrete structures. The causes of honeycomb as discussed above are numerous. However, by adopting appropriate preventive measures concrete honeycombs can be effectively prevented.

Regular inspections and maintenance are necessary to identify and address concrete honeycomb promptly and prevent further damage.

Various solutions to address honeycombs in concrete are also discussed in the blog. Implementation of these solutions ensures the prevention of honeycombs. This in turn provides longevity and stability to the concrete structures.

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