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Important Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Concrete Supplier

Want concrete delivery for your construction project but confused about selecting the right concrete supplier? If yes, don’t worry, as you are not the only one facing this problem. As many companies are offering concrete delivery services, it is natural to get confused while looking for the best concrete supplier in the market.

However, by asking some important questions before hiring concrete contractors, you can judge if their services are satisfactory or not. For your help, we have listed the top questions below and explained them in detail. So, let’s have a look.

Key Things To Ask From Concrete Suppliers Before Hiring One

For How Many Years You Are Providing Concrete Supply?

This question will help you get more clarity over the experience of the concrete contractor, which directly connects to the quality of their services. Concrete suppliers who are present in the industry for many years are familiar with the ins and outs of material pouring, compacting, and other related processes. Consequently, they already know what can possibly go wrong and the approaches that ensure the best results. 

On the contrary, if the concrete supplier has just started the business, there is a high chance that the services are not up to the mark. However, it is not essential that only experienced concrete contractors offer the best services. But, they surely have an advantage over inexperienced ones.

Can You Give References Of Your Past Clients?

Another good approach to knowing about the respective concrete supplier’s services is getting in touch with their past clients. They will give you unbiased details about the concrete contractors’ services. You can directly ask for the contact details of the individuals who have taken concrete services from the respective supplier.

After talking to a few past clients, if the reviews of the majority of them are positive, it means that the respective concrete supplier is good to go with. On the other hand, if most people criticise the concrete contractor, it is better to look for another one.

How Long Will You Take To Finish The Project?

It is one of the most important questions. Most construction projects are bound within the limitations of time. So, the concrete supplier must finish the tasks well according to the desired timeline. To do this, the concrete contractor needs to have clarity on the workforce and the project requirements in the first place.

When reputable contractors answer this question, they exactly know how much time will be invested in different project sections. For this reason, you can sense confidence in their voice as they explain. Accordingly, you can choose a concrete contractor that is confident about delivering the services. It not only helps you get the project completed in the desired time but also saves money. Because you can rent the machines and equipment for a shorter number of days to reduce the expenses.

Do You Provide The Type of Concrete That I Need?

Concrete comes in different variants, and is used for various construction-related purposes. For more information, you can read our blog: “Different Types of Concrete With Their Application“.

So, it is better to confirm in advance that the respective concrete contractor provides the type of material you need for your construction project. However, reputable concrete suppliers like The Thames Concrete, usually have all the variants available, like onsite concrete, coloured concrete, rapid set concrete, and more.

Can You Show Pictures of Your Previous Work?

If the contractors are confident about their services, they will be ready to show pictures of their previously completed projects. Besides, some reputable concrete suppliers like The Thames Concrete also have a dedicated website for portfolios and other information regarding their services. 

By looking at the images, you can get an idea about how your particular space will look after the completion of the concrete pouring process. So, check if the texture is good and the finishing is up to the mark. This way, you can judge whether you should hire the respective contractor or not.

Who Will Be Managing The Project?

This question helps you get clarity if the concrete supplier has an employee to specifically manage the workers and supplies at the project location. If the concrete contractor is unable to provide a satisfactory answer to this question, it means that they don’t have a proper team to manage construction projects. 

Without proper management a large amount of concrete will only go into wastage, providing you with no value. Moreover, if the workers’ roles and responsibilities are not clear to them, their productivity goes down. All in all, it is better to know in advance, who will be managing the construction project. This way, one can get the best value from the concrete supplier’s services.

How Will You Incorporate Safety Measures On The Site?

Concrete delivery, pouring, and compaction involve working with heavy & bulky equipment & machines that can be dangerous if not operated properly. For this reason, it is crucial to ask the supplier about the safety practices that they will follow during the project. Not only it keeps the property secure from damage, but also saves the workers from potential injuries.

If the staff have decent experience of working on different construction projects, they will hardly make a mistake while operating the machines. Still, it is better, if the concrete contractor has insurance. This way, if property damage or employee injury occurs by any chance, you are not responsible for it. The concrete supplier will compensate for the damage or the injury.


Choosing the right concrete supplier can be a difficult task for many. But, to simplify it, you can ask the above questions from concrete contractors to analyse the quality of their services and choose the best one. This way, you can get high-quality concrete that provides both durability and a good appearance to the structures. 

If you want concrete supply anywhere in the United Kingdom, look no further than The Thames Concrete! We are a leading concrete contractor that supports delivery at all the major locations across the country. With our best-in-class concrete supply trucks and experienced staff, you can ensure a hassle-free construction experience for yourself.

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